support & incentives
huerfano county

Huerfano County Economic Development
Board of Directors:
Lola Spradley, Chair
Jim Littlefield Vice-Chair
Kay Whitley Secretary
Kerrie Meyler Treasurer
Karl Sporleder (Huerfano County)
Veronica Maes (appointed by Walsenburg
Tim Tady (appointed by the Town of La Veta)
Wynnelle Turner at-large
Jill Homerding at -large
Carl Young ( Huerfano County Administrator)
Professional Staff:​
Carlton Croft, HCED Director ccroft@huerfano.us
Huerfano Chamber of Commerce
Our vision is to create a network of businesses to promote Economic Development and enhance the community by providing education, advocacy, and promotion throughout Huerfano County www.huerfanochamber.org
opportunity zones
Qualified Opportunity Zones were created by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. These zones are designed to spur economic development and job creation in distressed communities throughout the country and U.S. possessions by providing tax benefits to investors who invest eligible capital into these communities. Taxpayers may defer tax on eligible capital gains by making an appropriate investment in a Qualified Opportunity Fund and meeting other requirements.
The Walsenburg Census Track is a Qualified Opportunity Zone.
For more information, visit: https://choosecolorado.com/programs-initiatives/opportunity-zones/
rural jumpstart zone
Huerfano County, Walsenburg, and La Veta are all designated Rural Jump Start Zones. These Zones provide a variety of tax credit incentives for businesses not currently operating that either start up in Huerfano County or move to it from outside Colorado, and export goods and/or services outside the County, or provide unique goods and/or services that people come from outside the County to purchase. Rural Jump Start Zones provide tax credits for-
100% of County and municipality business personal property taxes
a portion of State income and sales and use taxes
100% of State income taxes for new employees for the business who have been employed for at least six months.
These tax credits extend for four years, with the possibility of extending them for another four years. Businesses must apply to participate in the Zone through Huerfano County Economic Development. Businesses accepted into the Zone can apply for a Rural Jump Start Zone Grant of up to $20,000 and $2,500 per new hire
For more information, visit: https://oedit.colorado.gov/rural-jump-start-program
sba hub zone
Contracting Advantage
The HUBZone program gives preferential treatment to businesses in historically underutilized business zones.
Joining the program makes a business eligible for the program’s set-aside contracts and certain limited competition contracts
HUBZone-certified businesses get a 10% price evaluation preference in full and open contract competitions
Participating businesses can still compete for contract awards under other programs.
Huerfano County is a HUBZone and small businesses within the County can take advantage of the benefits of the program
Program Qualifications:
Be a small business under SBA rules, that is at least 51% percent owned by US Citizens, a Community Development Corporation, an agricultural cooperative, or an Indian tribe
Have the principal office of the business located in a HUBZone
Have at least 35% of employees live in a HUBZone
Prospective applicants have to create an account with the SBA and have:
a DUNS number,
a Central Contractor Registration, and
a Dynamic Small Business Search profile.

enterprise zone
Huerfano County is an enhanced rural enterprise zone. This status makes Huerfano County businesses eligible for a number of incentives such as:
New Employee Tax Credit
Since Huerfano County is an Enhanced Rural Enterprise Zone and businesses qualify for a $2,000 credit per new employee
Investment Tax Credit
Businesses investing in Enterprise Zones through business personal property can earn a 3% tax credit
Job Training Credit
Companies that implement a qualified job-training program 12% of their eligible costs.
Employer Sponsored Health Insurance
$1000 per net new employee insured under a qualified health plan for which the employer pays 50% of the costs
Vacant Commercial Building Rehabilitation
25% of the rehabilitation costs for a building that has been vacant for 2 years. Limited to $50,000
Commercial Vehicle Investment
Investment in commercial trucks, tractors, or semi-trailers registered in CO and based in an Enterprise Zone quality for a 1.5% credit
Southern Colorado Small Business Development Center
121 W City Center Dr. Ste 150 Pueblo
The Colorado Small Business Development Center Network (CSBDC) is dedicated to helping existing and new businesses grow and prosper in Colorado by providing free and confidential consulting and no- or low-cost training programs.
The CSBDC has locations around the state with a team of business experts ready to help you create and retain jobs, secure loans, increase sales, win government contracts, obtain certifications and more.
Southern Colorado Economic Development District
SCEDD is a non-profit organization funded by the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration and SCEDD member counties. SCEDD has been serving the southern Colorado region since 1967.
San Isabel Electric Association
Our Values: The Seven Cooperative Principles
Originally drawn up by Charles Howarth, one of 28 weavers and other artisans who founded the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers in Rochdale, England, on December 21, 1844, these principles governing cooperative operations were introduced into the United States in 1874 by the National Grange, and formally written down by the International Cooperative Alliance in 1937 (last updated in 1995).
Trinidad State College
Established in 1925, Trinidad State College was the first community college in Colorado. With campuses in Trinidad and Alamosa, Colorado, we provide an affordable and accessible education to students in southern Colorado and beyond. Trinidad State offers unique academic programs in fields such as Cosmetology, Nursing and Welding. We also have an Electrical Line Technician program as well as Art, and Technical Theatre in addition to traditional Arts and Sciences classes and a guaranteed transfer program through a partnership with four-year colleges and universities in Colorado. We are home to one of the first, and by most accounts, the premier Gunsmithing School in the United States. https://trinidadstate.edu/
The Wheelhouse Retail Business Incubator and Community Makerspace is a community economic development initiative led by Huerfano Economic Development Inc. (HCED) , a 501(3) (C) Non-Profit, and supported by other local, regional, state, and federal partners, including significant financial contributions from the Economic Development Administration of the US Department of Commerce, Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade, and Huerfano County.
Through establishing a Pop-Up Retail Business Incubator, Huerfano County hopes to support established business grow, to diversify the retail shopping market, and to fill market gaps with local, independently-owned businesses to facilitate the launch of new or early-stage retail businesses in Huerfano County www.wheelhouseincubator.org www.wheelhouseincubator.org
Work Force Center
Workforce Centers provide a variety of free services to assist employers and job seekers alike.
These include:
Job listings
Computer and internet access
Career counseling and training for job seekers
Recruitment of workers, pre-screening, and referral services
Tax credits and training reimbursement for employers
Customers can choose either self-service or staff-assisted options to meet their employment needs. 201 E 5th St Ste 19 Walsenburg CO 81089
Colorado Tourism Office
The official information site for Colorado
Search regions and cities for Things to do
Hotels and Lodging
Events and Festivals
Spanish Peaks MLS
Welcome to Spanish Peaks Country in Southeastern Colorado. Our history is millions of years in the making.
Continuing in the tradition of legends, we can help you blaze your own trail.
Terry Amalfitano, Executive Director
For Membership, email:
PO Box 1182, La Veta, CO 81055